Having finished with the offering, Pastor Robins walks up to the pulpit using one hand to count the fingers on the other. Then again. "One, two, three, four, five," and pointing to open air, "six". He repeated with the same results. Many of the people squinted and leaned forward to see what he was pointing at when he said "six".
With a smile he looked up and said, "I'm pretending I'm Goliath. You see he had a big mouth and God couldn't use him. Second Samuel 21 tells of another reason why he wouldn't be able to follow along in this message. I'd like for you to turn to Luke 15, I want to show you some aspects of visitation from a very familiar story." Again, holding up one hand and pointing to the first finger saying, "We want to look at five paths and determine which one we're on."
The first path, the prodigal son took to town with his inheritance burning a hole in his pocket. Self esteem, even arrogance reigned in his heart. The second path some of you are on right now. Having tasted of this world's pleasures for a season, disappointed and discouraged, you feel hardly worthy to be a "door keeper in God's House, or the lowest of servants."
But the last three paths I want us to take a closer look at. Path number 3 is one of exuberance as the father races to greet his son, now returning home. The heavy and repentant heart must have been lifted as the boy saw his father running toward him. A few short moments tell the son of the forgiveness and love his father wants to share with him. No tongue lashing, 'I-told-you-so's', or stern looks, just complete joy that his son has returned home. "Have you experienced that forgiveness of the Heavenly Father, His Love and the blessings He's prepared for you?"
Grasping the fourth finger, Pastor Robins speaks again, "Now look at verse 20.”And when he was a great way off, his father saw him"... As the father's arms hold his son, as though never to release him again, there is a forth path, the prodigal son may never see. It's the path sewn with tears, hope, and a lot of love; walked every day by the father to the top of the knoll to watch for his son.
As he walked this path, I am sure the father reflected upon many of the wrong things he himself had done and wondered how many of them had caused his son's rebellious actions. That lonely fourth path had produced some cleansing in the old man's soul too. Are you now on the fourth path?"
"Now the fifth path was never traveled. For many hears, I had felt the actions and arguments of the older son were proper (verses 29 and 30), but did you ever notice that verse 12 says that the older son received his inheritance also? What did he do with his inheritance? Nothing.
He had missed the whole meaning of life here on this Earth; to receive forgiveness from the Heavenly Father; then through life's experiences, learn the depth of its meaning and share it with others; so when we spend eternity with Jesus Christ and He speaks of His forgiveness, we will understand what He means -- that's real fellowship."
"As we give the invitation,
RIGHT NOW..." ~~