"Thelma, we're in a fix and I don't know how we'll get out of it this time," Frank began rehearsing in his mind. He often spoke to himself as though he was talking to his wife, sort of listening to the words and how they'd sound as he finished cleaning the gigantic lens. With a firm grip on the knob of the little door, Frank stepped out onto the balcony and surveyed his small island. Most would think Frank, Thelma and their little island to be very unimportant; except for the lighthouse that stood tall and proud.
By the way, Frank and Thelma are aunt and uncle to Tim Reynolds. Frank was proud to have this important responsibility though it was quite lonely; except for his precious Thelma and the ship that brought provisions twice a year. "That was a good supper, hon", Frank said as he cleared the table.
The radio was turned on while Thelma picked up both Bibles and the couple settled each in his favorite easy chair. For the next hour the little house connected to the side of the lighthouse was filled with comforting Christian melodies and then a soul stirring message by their favorite radio pastor, Rick Danison.
Even before they raised their heads and opened their eyes (taking part in the closing benediction), Thelma knew what she'd see.... "Frank, you're still disturbed about it, aren't you?"
"Thelma, we're in a fix, and I don't know how we'll get out of it. I believe it’s true that God's Word says we're supposed to go to the highways and byways and speak to the lost about their salvation. And that's the problem!! I believe God meant that for everybody; us too! How are we going to speak to anyone?”
“We've talked to Jake and Lyle while they were unloading provisions last April, but somehow that just doesn't seem enough." Trying to somehow ease his inward pain, Thelma piped in with, "But didn't pastor also say that God always provides a way - and sometimes more to carry out his great commission?"
Although his life wasn't cluttered with many of the frivolous cares we have, Frank's feeling of being trapped on this little island and not being able to share the Gospel, weighed heavy on him. So often, he'd climb the circular stairway to the top of the lighthouse and make his way out onto the balcony and slowly walk around it for long periods of time.
Saturday was a lot like that. Or was it Friday? Oh! Who cares? In a prison all days are the same. Aimless step after aimless step around the little balcony, Thelma's words kept coming to mind... "God always provides a way -- and sometimes more - to carry out His great commission.” “God always provides a way.” "God always...." "God always"...
That day Frank's eyes scanned the scene, at least all that wasn't under water, wishing the answer to his troubled heart would leap out of the ground to meet him. Like so many times before, his eyes would ask the flower beds over there, or how about the little dingy; no answer. No answer. Just beyond the only bush on the prison; I mean island, the trash dump could barely be seen. Bags, boxes, cans, paper and ~
And WHAT?! Frank's heart leaped within him! THAT'S IT! THELMA! THELMA THAT'S THE ANSWER! He thought he sprained a finger trying to get the little door open before racing down the circular steps inside the lighthouse. THELMA! THELMA, HE GAVE US THE ANSWER!
It made no sense to Thelma when, between deep breaths, Frank told her to get the washtub and many sheets of typewriter paper, before he ran to the trash pile mumbling something.
Almost an hour and a half later, two excited people leaned against the whitewashed tower and gazed at a row of twenty seven sparkling clean catsup bottles; their tops in a pile.
The sun hadn't set more than thirty minutes before Thelma read the note, rolled it up, and put in the last catsup bottle. Frank, sitting on a nearby boulder, watched twenty six bottles bobbing in the waves not far from shore. He was talking to Someone, though he knew Thelma was too far away to hear.
'Case you have some catsup bottles not being used, you'll want to know what one of the notes said:
Dear friend,
I'd like to introduce you to Someone Who can open any prison and set you free. Bridging a gap of geography, judgment, or barriers of man's sin and its consequences. Christ's hand of forgiveness reaches to where you are right now and shows the scarred palm of love that holds tight forevermore.
Trust His shed blood and know the eternal freedom we enjoy... ~~