“Answer the next question wrong and I'm dead! I can't believe it, so much hangs on how I respond...”
Trina Gilton was sitting on the ground, straight backed, with her eyes squinting, all primed to meet the final question head-on. Trina's dad, Jerry, came walking out the back door and spied his 14 year old daughter with her best friend. Both girls were sitting Indian fashion facing each other.
"What's up girls?" OH! Hi dad! Judy and I are practicing for our big History test coming up Friday. We made up a question game to help us, and I think I'm dead." The I-don't-understand look on Jerry's face, prompted Judy to explain. "Mr. Gilton, I get to ask Trina one more history question and if she's wrong, I get to hose her down for 2 whole minutes... and I can hardly wait!!"
A short time later....
"Supper's ready! Come set the table!" "My wife should have been an umpire with a voice like that," thought Jerry rounding the corner. With his first step into the kitchen, he saw wet hair... "Why, Trina, did it start raining outside?" "Dad, I don't need any more questions, and you can wipe that silly grin off your face." "Yessss mam!" Jerry said, as he saluted and got the syrup out of the refrigerator.
As the last waffle disappeared, Trina said, Actually, I don't mind when Judy asks a question I can't answer. It tells me what I need to go back and brush up on." Mrs. Gilton could have gotten a gold star when she popped in with, "Pastor told us in Teacher Training it's good to have sincere questions from your students -- it shows they are paying attention and indicates what areas you need to explain further.”
“Oh, and he also said, ‘a good teacher can sort-of put on the mind of the student and anticipate some of the questions and prepare for them in case they're asked.’"
Deep down, Jerry appreciated the topic of discussion, because he had wanted to witness to a buddy that he car-pooled with, but thought that he would drop dead if the guy asked a bible question that he couldn't answer. "You know," Jerry thought, "saying I don't know to a question really isn't all that bad, if I follow it with, 'I'll dig out the answer tonight and let you know tomorrow' .... By the way Jake, I have a couple of things jotted down here that I want to show you, and these I do know for sure."
Jerry's finger covered up the bottom of the note that said:
"The Roman Road --- Handle with prayer...."