"I can't stand it anymore!” I hear the voice say in the phone receiver. I say, "Hi Nancy, it's nice you called. What can't you stand anymore?"
"Barb, the suspense is killing me. Tuesday when I was leaving your house, I happened to glance in the direction of your laundry room and, honest injun, I wasn't being nosey, but through the open door I saw the weirdest thing I ever expect to see....
Honestly Barb, how many people do you have go through your laundry room anyhow?"
"Nancy.... now Nancy, if you'll listen for a minute I can explain. You see, even though Timmy is ten, almost eleven, he already thinks I'm a little cuckoo. If you could have seen the look on his face the first time he opened his closet and realized I had put a tract in each shirt, he figured I had really flipped. He might think to leave it in the rest room at school, or he could fold it up and slip it through one of those air vent holes in the student lockers going down the hallway.
Well I'll tell you Nancy, I really think when Tim sticks his hand in that shirt pocket several times a day, he's just got to be reminded of his responsibility to witness. I've also been packing Leo's dinner pail with a tract right on top of his sandwich. One night at our supper sharing time, Leo told us how he dropped one of them in another guy's open dinner bucket during their lunch hour, and then watched from across the room, praying that the guy would read it. HE DID!
The guy also left the tract in his lunch box so no doubt his wife will read it when she repacks his lunch. Nancy, I can still here Pastor Robins saying Sunday that every saved person ought to be distributing tracts. But I didn't hear him say, 'Barb Reynolds... since you're in and around the house all day long, you're excused.... you don't have to give out our tracts'.”
Barb, I was just thinking while you were talking, that my Trina always has so much homework. I'll bet I could slip a few tracts in her books and she might use them as bookmarks, or for writing assignments or notes to her pals. She could even stick some in the library books she takes back. I'm telling you Barb, I wish there was a tract for Christian drivers about speeding. I'd tape one to Jerry's rearview mirror." "Nancy, can't you just imagine the look on Pastor's face if we told him we have to refill our tract racks more often than he does the ones in the church foyer?”
You can see these two families are in the first steps of the tract ministry, because no verbal contact is involved. I am sure Pastor Robins has taught his flock that good "trackers" should not be sloppy. Fold up that tract and slide it in that taco box, don't lay it on the shelf. At the clothing store, put them in pants pockets or socks, not out where they are easily seen.
The idea is to get the tract into the home. Ironic isn't it, that's where they start out -- in the home--in the homes of Christians that really believe in an Eternal Lake of Fire for those who have not trusted in the work of Calvary where God's Son gave His all for each of us. ~~